Born and raised in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, I moved to Madison to attend UW-Madison. I graduated with a BA, double-majoring in Anthropology and East Asian Studies. I enjoy traveling and learning about different cultures, so I went to South Korea to teach English for a couple of years.
Being away from family and friends made me want to come back and pursue my dreams. I have always had an interest in film and design, but never thought I could pursue it for a living. After contemplating, I decided to take my first step by attending Madison College for Visual Communications.
In my free time, I love to play games, whether it be video, board, or puzzles. Baking is not my forte, but eating sweets is, so I try to bake if I get the chance. I also enjoy watching shows and movies and attempt to learn different languages by watching international ones.
Shows and movies allow you to travel to another world and takes you on an adventure away from reality. I want to convey this through my projects and allow others to feel that they can experience a different lifestyle or that they can relate to the characters, no matter how different the story is. Whether it be living a stressful real-life to a non-stressful film-life or a modern period time to living in a fantasy sci-fi film. The stories are endless.